Privacy statement
May 13, 2022
Your privacy is of great importance to HARMLESS AGENCY. We therefore adhere to the privacy act. This means that your data is safe with us and that we always use it properly. In this privacy statement, we explain everything we do with information we learn about you at If you have any questions, or want to know exactly what we track about you, please contact HARMLESS AGENCY.
Statistics and profiling
We keep statistics about the use of our service With these statistics, we improve our service to show only relevant information, for example. We can combine your personal data to find out more about you. Of course we will respect your privacy at all times. If you do not want this, you can always notify us. For this we use your billing address, e-mail address, gender, ip-address, phone number and naw-data. We do this based on your consent. We keep this information in our CRM (Customer relationship management). If you do not want this, you can always report this to us.
Contact Form and Newsletter
The contact form allows you to ask us questions or make requests. For this we use your email. We do this based on your consent. We keep this information until we are sure you are satisfied with our response.
Your account
Certain parts of our service require you to register first. You must then provide information about yourself and choose a username. With that, we create an account, which you can log into with that username and a self-selected password. For this we use your ip-address, phone number, billing address, naw-data, e-mail address and gender. We have a legitimate interest in doing this. We keep this information until you cancel the account. We keep this information so you don’t have to fill it out over and over again and so we can more easily contact you when needed with the service. You can edit information through your account whenever you want.
Providing to third parties
We cooperate with certain companies, which may receive your personal data mentioned above from us.
We would like to send you advertising about offers and new products or services. We do this by email, through social media, by phone. You can object to this advertising at any time. You can contact us or block us. You can indicate this when you receive a call.
Location details
Sometimes it is necessary for our service to find out where you are. We then ask separately if we are allowed to know this and only if you then give permission will we receive this information. For this service, we use the navigation and location software on your phone, tablet or computer. We have no control over what the makers of this software (such as Google Maps) do with it. So always read their privacy statements as well.
Our service displays ads. We see if people like them, and use that information to provide only fun or interesting ads and offers in the future.
Disclosure to other companies or institutions
With the exception of the partners listed above, we do not under any circumstances give your personal data to other companies or institutions, except if we are required to do so by law (for example, if the police demand it (including in the case of suspected crime) ).
Our service uses cookies. Cookies are small files where we can store information so that you don’t have to fill it in every time. But they also allow us to see when you visit us again. When you visit our service for the first time, we will display a message explaining cookies. Here we will ask for your agreement to the use of these cookies. You can disable cookies through your browser, but some features of our service may not work properly. We have made agreements with other companies that place cookies. However, we do not have full control over what they do with cookies. So please read their privacy statements as well.
Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to track how visitors use our service. We have a processing agreement with Google. This contains strict agreements about what they are allowed to track. We allow Google to use the obtained Analytics information for other Google services. We do not allow Google to anonymize IP addresses.
Security of personal data is very important to us. We make sure that your data is secure with us. We constantly adjust the security and pay close attention to what can go wrong.
Changes to this privacy statement
Of course, when our service changes, we have to update the privacy statement as well. So always note the date above and check regularly for new versions. We will do our best to announce changes separately as well.
Accessing, modifying and deleting your data
If you have any questions or want to know what personal data we hold about you, you can always contact us. See the contact information below. You have the following rights: explanation of what personal data we hold and what we do with it access to the exact personal data we hold correcting errors, deleting outdated personal data, withdrawing consent, objecting to a particular use. Make sure that you always clearly indicate who you are, so that we can be sure we are not modifying or deleting data belonging to the wrong person.
Filing a complaint
If you feel that we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to file a complaint with the regulator. This is called: Harm de Kluijver.
Contact details
Sprangsestraat 5
5171 DX, Kaatsheuvel
T: 0683541816
E: [email protected]